Among all the project photos published by ARSENECA laboratory customers, find the model that most closely resembles yours.
Each treatment is made to meet a very specific objective, depending on the model.
Prices depend on the volume of the buttocks desired.

VoluptéMax – The ambitious one: Perseverant, she knows what she wants.
*Butt volume:
The ambitious person will be able to achieve her goals and aspirations thanks to increased confidence.
Composition of treatment
This treatment is designed to work the buttocks and hips in a large volume at a preferential price. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€390 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

LiftElegance – La classique : Raffinée, elle apprécie la discrétion.
*Butt volume:
The classic will feel even more elegant and refined, enhancing its confidence.
Composition of treatment
This treatment is made to work the buttocks and hips and legs in a large volume at a preferential price. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€410 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

CurveBoost – La moderne : Toujours à l’avant-garde des tendances.
*Butt volume:
The modern woman will always be in tune with the trends, boosting her self-esteem.
Composition of treatment
This treatment is designed to work the buttocks, especially the hips, at a preferential price. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€49 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

GlamLift – La séductrice : Elle attire tous les regards.
*Butt volume:
The seductress will be the center of attention, reinforcing her charisma and confidence.
Composition of treatment
This treatment is designed to work on the buttocks in a fairly large volume at a preferential price. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
140€ a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

ShapeEssence – La naturelle : Elle opte pour la simplicité.
*Butt volume:
The natural person will appreciate the beauty of simplicity even more and will feel in harmony with herself.
Composition of treatment
This treatment is designed to work the buttocks and hips at the same time in a fairly large volume at a preferential price. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
180€ a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

PulpMagnet – L’aventurière : Elle est toujours prête à relever des défis.
*Butt volume:
The adventurer will feel ready to conquer the world, with a new sense of daring.
Composition of treatment
This treatment is made to lightly work the buttocks, giving a little more shape at a preferential price. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€60 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

RiseCharm – La rêveuse : Son esprit vagabonde souvent.
*Butt volume:
The dreamer will see her imagination and creativity stimulated, allowing her to explore new horizons.
Composition of treatment
This treatment is designed to shape existing buttocks. Gives a little volume. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
35€ a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

FemmeFirm – La pragmatique : Elle choisit des solutions pratiques.
*Butt volume:
Pragmatists will find more effective and practical solutions to their problems, making their lives easier.
Composition of treatment
Lifted buttocks and significant volume, without working the hips. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€300 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

GalaxyGlow – La cosmique : Elle est toujours en quête d’ailleurs.
*Butt volume:
The cosmic will feel a deeper connection with the universe, broadening one’s perspective and understanding.
Composition of treatment
Lifted buttocks and very significant volume, while working the hips. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€420 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

CocoonCurve – La protectrice : Elle veille sur ceux qu’elle aime.
*Butt volume:
The protector will feel even more capable of taking care of those close to her, strengthening her emotional bonds.
Composition of treatment
Lifted buttocks and reinforced existing volume, without working the hips. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€49 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

MajestyMound – La royale : Elle se tient avec fierté et dignité.
*Butt volume:
The royal will gain dignity and pride, feeling respected and valued.
Composition of treatment
Lifted buttocks and marked volume, while working the hips and legs. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
129€ a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

EpicEnhance – La passionnée : Elle met du cœur dans tout ce qu’elle fait.
*Butt volume:
The passionate person will live her passions even more intensely, bringing more joy and satisfaction to her life.
Composition of treatment
Lifted and rounded buttocks, significant volume, without working the hips. You can add up to 3 other optional treatments
€320 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

LushLux – La luxueuse : Elle chérit le luxe et le confort.
*Butt volume:
The luxurious will be surrounded by more comfort and luxury, increasing their well-being and pleasure.
Composition of treatment
Very wide hips which accompany the already generous buttocks, while strengthening them a little.
120€ a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

DuneDare – L’audacieuse : Elle est prête à tout essayer.
*Butt volume:
The bold person will be ready to take on new challenges, broadening their experiences and skills.
Composition of treatment
Strengthening the hips and buttocks, without exaggerations.
€49 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

AeroAccent – La légère : Elle se déplace avec grâce.
*Butt volume:
The light will feel free and unconstrained, bringing more lightness to her life.
Composition of treatment
Strengthening the buttocks and legs. The volume of the buttocks is relatively large, and in harmony with the legs
€149 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

BelleBounce – La joyeuse : Toujours positive, elle irradie la joie.
*Butt volume:
The cheerful will see their joy and optimism strengthened, making their life more pleasant.
Composition of treatment
Ideal for dancers, subtly strengthens the buttocks and legs
59€ a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

SilhouetteSculpt – L’artiste : Elle voit la beauté partout.
*Butt volume:
The artist will see the world in a new and creative way, enriching his or her artistic life.
Composition of treatment
For a volume of the buttocks that must be visible, high and as round as possible, while working the hips and legs to remain in harmony.
€459 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

AquaArc – La sereine : Elle trouve facilement la paix intérieure.
*Butt volume:
The serene will find inner peace more easily, increasing their balance and tranquility.
Composition of treatment
For a significant volume of the buttocks, by lightly working the hips.
€420 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

TerraTone – La terrienne : Elle reste fidèle à ses racines.
*Butt volume:
The earthling will feel even more connected to her roots, strengthening her sense of identity.
Composition of treatment
To maintain or strengthen the buttocks and hips without exaggeration. Ideal for the day of a wedding or an organized party to emphasize the shapes
29€ a treatment
1 treatment maximum to be done

NovaNudge – L’innovatrice : Elle cherche constamment à innover.
*Butt volume:
The innovator will be stimulated to create and innovate, bringing new ideas and perspectives to her life.
Composition of treatment
To strengthen the hips and to a lesser extent the buttocks. The stomach is also worked.
€69 a treatment
1 treatment maximum to be done

GoldenGain – La précieuse : Elle valorise ce qu’elle possède.
*Butt volume:
The precious one will value what she has even more, increasing her gratitude and appreciation.
Composition of treatment
To strengthen the hips and slightly the buttocks. The stomach is also worked.
€79 per treatment
1 treatment maximum to be done

BrioBoost – L’enthousiaste : Son énergie est contagieuse.
*Butt volume:
The enthusiast will have renewed energy, making their life more dynamic and exciting.
Composition of treatment
A return to nature for ultra rounded buttocks with significant volume. The buttocks are lifted and very round. Work on the hips too
€479 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

DreamDome – La visionnaire : Elle a toujours une longueur d’avance.
*Butt volume:
The visionary will be inspired to consider new possibilities, guiding her vision towards new horizons.
Composition of treatment
Very high and very marked buttocks for ultra-large volume, in perfect harmony with treatment of the hips and legs
€489 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

TwilightTweak – La mystique : Elle croit aux forces invisibles.
*Butt volume:
Mysticism will deepen one’s connection with the invisible, enriching one’s spiritual life.
Composition of treatment
A reworked volume of the buttocks, displaying generous shapes, combined with a reinforced chest to balance the whole
€289 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

NectarNurture – La bienveillante : Elle nourrit et prend soin des autres.
*Volume des fesses :
*Butt volume:
The caring person will be even more nurturing and caring, bringing more love and care to those around them.
Composition of treatment
High and rounded buttocks, without working the hips, to accentuate the appearance of high buttocks
239€ one treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

FlairFlare – L’expressive : Elle n’hésite pas à montrer ses émotions.
*Butt volume:
The expressive person will express themselves more freely, reinforcing their authenticity and charisma.
Composition of treatment
A reworked volume of the buttocks, and an assumed increase in the hips
119€ one treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

ZenZenith – La méditative : Elle recherche l’équilibre intérieur.
*Butt volume:
The meditator will achieve a new inner balance, bringing peace and serenity into her life.
Composition of treatment
Pronounced volume of the buttocks and hips, a strengthened chest and a deepened stomach, all in perfect harmony
€510 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

SapphireSwell – La précieuse
*Butt volume:
She will become aware of her own value, respecting herself more and demanding the same respect from others.
Composition of treatment
Constant volume for the buttocks, while enhancing the hips. Ideal for those who want wider hips
€310 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

CelestialCurve – La divine
*Butt volume:
She will move closer to her highest ideals, seeking to live a life more aligned with her beliefs and dreams.
Composition of treatment
Accentuated volume at the hips, while giving significant volume to the buttocks. The belly has also been reworked
€430 a treatment
3 treatments maximum to do

LunarLift – La lunaire : Mystérieuse et captivante, elle brille dans l’obscurité.
*Butt volume:
The Lunar: She will develop a mysterious aura that will captivate and intrigue those who come across her. Its depth and complexity will be recognized.
Composition of treatment
Significant volume of the buttocks and hips, hollow stomach and lifted chest
€430 a treatment
5 treatments maximum to do

BlossomBump – La florissante : Elle s’épanouit et grandit constamment.
*Butt volume:
The Thriver: She will see opportunities for personal growth around every corner. Every day brings a new chance for fulfillment.
Composition of treatment
Important work on the hips, without forgetting to support the volume gain of the buttocks for body harmony.
130€ a treatment
5 treatments maximum to do

RadiantRise – L’éclatante : Elle brille de mille feux et illumine la pièce.
*Butt volume:
The Brilliant: She will brighten up any space, attracting positivity and admiration wherever she goes. His presence will be irresistibly luminous.
Composition of treatment
Ideal for athletes to strengthen the glutes in a subtle way.
€39 per treatment
2 treatments maximum to be done

WhisperWave – La discrète : Elle parle doucement mais a beaucoup à dire.
*Butt volume:
The Discreet: Even if she chooses to be silent, her impact will be powerful. People will want to hear what she has to say.
Composition of treatment
Slightly increased volume of the buttocks. Results visible to those around you.
€59 per treatment
3 treatments maximum to do