#COMMENCER UNE SÉANCE des fesses, les hanches les seins, du ventre et les jambes, et les lèvres mais aussi le poids 


Starting my treatment

✓I start by registering and verifying my system.


I end with a review

✓ To receive a tailor-made trigger
✓ To prepare for a new session


You have just received an ARSENECA system for your transformation

I receive in my package

Prepare the body

✓I always start my session by taking a red and white or blue and white capsule, taken orally with a glass of water.
This capsule prepares the body and will act for 24 hours.
You must start your treatment at least 4 hours after taking the preparer and at most 24 hours after. Do not exceed 24 hours.

Day and night capsule

✓I start my session by swallowing with a little water, the DAY CAPSULE in the morning (between midnight and noon), then the NIGHT CAPSULE in the evening (between noon and midnight) always at the same time. Space the two capsules at least 4 hours apart.

Result trigger (not included in processing)

✓I end my session by ordering the triggers only after the 20 days of treatment and not before. I take one capsule a day for three days

Contact a WhatsApp advisor

Do you want more information about your #CAPSULE? contact a whatsapp advisor