Start the test

How many sessions will you need to do?

We all have a different body and mind. We will assess your body’s ability to transform.
You can submit your morphology which will be analyzed by an algorithm.
Green, Orange or Red, take the test.

You will use natural processes and products to transform yourself naturally.
Once your starting profile is known, you will perform a treatment that will allow you to produce a result.
Each profile is different, and we have the ability to measure a person’s ability to produce a result.
Some offer strong resistance to transformation due to genetic or mainly physiological factors

The importance of your home base

Your diagnosis

Will your body offer resistance?

Your resistance depends on your genetic background, your current lifestyle, your diet, your willpower and other criteria.
We match your project transformation (Buttocks, legs, breasts, eyes, stress, beauty…) with your profile to calculate your resistance to transformation, or change.
For some, the resistance will be stronger than for others. others.

Arsèn Eca will sculpt you the most beautiful shape according to what you want and taking into account your resistance.
If you are certain to obtain a beautiful Form, because the result is mechanical and systematic, there may be a relative gap between the dream and the result.
By making a diagnosis you can know your ability to perform.

Creator of Capsule since 2012, we apply the same attention to the general public as the personalities, Arsènéca private clients.
Your project deserves special attention, and we will help you achieve it

Unlike rhinoplasties or other surgical procedures, your final shape is natural, respectful of who you are and is permanent.
Arseneca treatments are made possible by the use of natural products and processes derived from the organic farming for a progressive metamorphosis.


Transformation capsules

Arsènéca makes available to the public a limited quantity of #Capsule.
Each capsule is unique and is produced with care.
They contain an active ingredient based on emotion. (learn more about how it works)
The origin of the active ingredient is the result of a production of a personality, which has carried out a treatment and produced a result.
Like them you can start a treatment to achieve a specific transformation goal.

Processus pour changer de corps


A unique capsule system

Arsènéca laboratories provide you with capsules to take based on produced emotions so that you can operate a localized or total transformation.

In the search for your perfect shape, the laboratories accompany you from the treatment until you reach your goal. The systematic use of natural products, from organic farming and a progressive dosage system allows you to transform yourself with a success rate close to 87%.